Kelly & Kayla Konechne
35809 254th Street
Kimball, SD 57355
Click here to inquire more
or call us:
(605) 778-6332
Konechne's Red Barn Hunting Retreats is located southwest of Kimball in south central South Dakota.
Directions: Traveling from on Interstate 90 take exit 284 (Kimball exit) and take a right, go 4 miles west on Hwy 16, turn south on gravel 358th Ave (Red Barn sign on the corner), drive 3 miles and look for Red Barn sign at the driveway. We recommend that you do not use GPS units, as they tend to take you southeast of Kimball rather than southwest.
Sioux Falls, SD hosts the largest airport in region. Rental vehicles are available at the airport. Ground travel time to our lodge is approximately 1 ¾ hours.
If you are flying into Mitchell Airport and need a rental vehicle, please contact their only agency by clicking here.
Those that may be arriving by private plane you can fly into Chamberlain and Mitchell airports.
• Chamberlain municipal airport:
• Mitchell municipal airport:
605-770-4594 or 605-995-8433.
If you would like to stay on top of the current weather conditions for Kimball, SD, you can check the 10-day forecast here.